1. Anchor concrete, 1/4"
Anchor concrete, 1/4
46-1015 1/4" Drop-in Concrete anchor

Anchor concrete, 1/4"

Short drop in for multilevel garages
Part Number: 46-1015
Availability: In Stock.17
Shipping Weight: 0.1 lbs per unit

Drop in anchor for concrete floors where the depth of the hole must be restricted.  This is the case with pre-stressed garage floors which are reinforced with steel bands under tension.  The anchor accepts a 1/4"-20 bolt up to 3/4" long.

This anchor requires a 3/8" hole, 1" deep.  After dropping the anchor in place, use tool 83-0004 and a hammer to force open the wings of the anchor. Anchor is made of Zinc coated steel.

Note that the 1/4" bolt does not contribute to the retention of the anchor in the concrete; that is controlled solely by the tool.  This feature allows different length bolts to be used.