The Alternative to Guessing is Testing
Posted by Dori on 1/1/2024 to
Will My Installation Meet Real-Life Requirements?
If your anchoring application is critical, the best way to verify that the installation will meet its requirements is to run sample pull tests. A simple pull test will eliminate much of the risks associated with installation on an unknown surface - how thick is the asphalt top layer, what is underneath, is the asphalt in good shape, how dense is the asphalt, etc.
A pull test can be run to failure, or to verify a minimum level of resistance. The latter test is faster and will not damage the installation and is recommended for existing installations to verify consistency of installation. The test to failure, on the other hand, is recommended as a pre-installation data collection. It can save money by tailoring the anchor selection to the required strength.
Asphalt Anchors has developed a special pull tester suitable for asphalt surfaces. The tester is available for purchase or rent. For details call 973-669-8214 ext 1.
How Many Anchors per Post Should I use?
Posted by Dori on 7/11/2022 to
Posts are basic mechanical elements when constructing a pergola, a shed or a carport. A common question we are asked is how many anchors are required to attach a post to asphalt. The conservative answer is to use as many anchors as the
Tips for Winter-Proofing Your Anchoring Installation
Posted by Dori on 11/6/2021 to
When we think of winter and anchoring to asphalt, two distinct challenges come to mind: (1) the effect of winter on installed anchors, and (2) the effect of weather on the process of installation. Fortunately, anchoring installations using our BoltHold anchors and our recommended adhesive-grouts are not impacted by cold weather, rain, snow or ice.
Here’s How We’re Helping Our Clients Calculate Success
Posted by dori on 5/12/2020 to
As someone who works with contractors and builders, I understand the what it takes to put in even a simple fencepost, particularly when these are mounted into special surface like asphalt. Variables like windspeed, fence type, and people
Anchoring Without Moving the equipment
Posted by Dori on 5/17/2019 to
The BoltHold asphalt anchors are designed to be installed flush with the asphalt surface. After installing the anchors, the equipment is placed...
Posted by Dori on 6/26/2018 to
Asphalt 101
It is our human nature to first try to solve a problem with known tools. If you are comfortable using expansion anchors to mount devices to...
Anchoring a Shed
Posted by Dori on 6/27/2017 to
We get many questions about anchoring sheds to asphalt. Here are some of the common answers. Please contact us (1 (973) 669-8214) for ...
Noisy Steel Plates?
Posted by Dori on 3/12/2017 to
With the continuous work on our crumbling infrastructure, steel plates are to the roads what a zipper is to our clothes. The asphalt is removed...