We used the anchors to hold our wood-frame gazebos at our tennis club on the ground (during Florida windstorms). Tennis court and walkway surface is two inches of asphalt and below that 10 inches of packed coquina; anchors installed easily with one inch diameter drill, and the accompanying epoxy/ grout with mixing nozzles for the caulking gun worked very well. Very happy with the results. Very confident the roof will rip off the gazebo in a hurricane long before the anchors pull out of the ground. Worth noting that the anchors arrived within a couple of days of ordering them, very helpful in work scheduling
Richard BourgaultMay 2021
I work for a fairly large school District and we use these anchors for securing our tennis court nets to the court. They have sustained lots of wind and abuse and seem to work better than any other anchor we have tried. These anchors work Great for asphalt applications. Thanks!
Norm Hicks2021
The City of Oakland has been installing bicycle parking racks on asphalt streets since 2012. We started out using a combination of anchor bolts and spikes, like we use for sidewalk racks, only longer (6” to 8 ½”). We found that, soon after installation, even with six pieces of long hardware for each inverted U rack—many of the racks started loosening, and had to be reinforced with epoxy . . . which didn’t work well either because once asphalt heats up, the epoxy moves with the rack. We next considered installing concrete pads, an expensive, labor-intensive alternative with ramifications for paving maintenance.
When I learned about Asphalt Anchors from a colleague at the University of California at Davis, I was anxious to try them out, and have been delighted with (and relieved by) the results. Oakland has 27 on-street bike parking corrals, and 21 of them are on asphalt. Since we started using the Asphalt Anchors in 2015, the racks have stayed firmly in place. Even when a rack is nudged by a car, the galvanized steel loop is more likely to bend at the weld than the anchors are to pull out.
Jennifer Stanley Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Coordinator, Safe Streets Division
City of Oakland | Department of Transportation
Time really shows how good your product is. It is still in place after years of nuclear winds. Good work and thank you. "
John McneilComputer Consultant
"..your anchors are amazing and I will now stock these for future jobs just in case."
Jay Garthwaite, Diamond Sports Training Center, 2/2018
Jay GarthwaiteDiamond Sports Training Center 2018
"...Speed bump installation using BoltHold asphalt anchors has all but put an end to speeding motorists behind Skatetown. The solidly anchored speed bumps have proven to be maintenance free."
Scott SlavenskySkatetown
"These asphalt anchors work great! Thought I would send a photo of the frame that are going to hold interpretive panels later.."
Brian Durkin, Durkin Signs and Graphics, Inc.March 2021, Novator CA