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BoltHold Intro
15" Intro to BoltHold from Rudor teich on Vimeo.
Get to know BoltHold anchors in 15 seconds
BoltHold Overview
Addressing misconceptions about anchoring to asphalt
BoltHold Anchors Secrets
BoltHold Anchors Secrets from Rudor teich on Vimeo.
Introduction to BoltHold anchors for asphalt, and why they are unique and different from anchors for concrete
Anchoring Speed Bumps
BoltHold for speed bumps from Rudor teich on Vimeo.
Why BoltHold anchors work to secure speed bumps to asphalt
Installation Demonstration
BoltHold installation Demonstration from Rudor teich on Vimeo.
BoltHold asphalt anchors installation demonstration, using the EPX2 adhesive grout
How to Mix and use EPX2 in Tubs
How to Mix and use EPX2 in Tubs from Rudor teich on Vimeo.
An update clarifying the use of the EPX2 grout in 10 lbs. tubs
Annotated Guide to the Installation and Use of BoltHold Anchors
BoltHold Annotated Installation Guide from Rudor teich on Vimeo.
Detailed installation guide
Anchoring bedtime story
BoltHold Anchors Cartoon from Rudor teich on Vimeo.
The danger of using the wrong anchors on asphalt