Noisy Steel Plates?
Posted by Dori on 3/12/2017 to
With the continuous work on our crumbling infrastructure, steel plates are to the roads what a zipper is to our clothes. The asphalt is removed...
Anchoring Speed Bumps to Asphalt
Posted by Dori on 3/10/2017 to
One of the popular applications for our asphalt anchors is to attach plastic or rubber speed bumps to the roadway. As a rule, we recommen...
Pitfalls of Mounting to Asphalt
Posted by Dori on 3/10/2017 to
Asphalt 101
Asphalt is not Concrete! Asphalt and concrete have one property in common -- you can drive on either of them. But when it comes to attaching ...
Posted by Dori on 3/1/2017 to
Anchoring Tents to Asphalt We receive calls regularly, asking clarifications whether our anchors can be used to prop up tents into...